Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pride And Prejudice And Zombies

Most people are very familiar with the plot of Pride And Prejudice. It is a social commentary told through the lives of five sisters of good social standing, in the early 19th century. This is one of my favorite stories. I love the wit Austen uses to tell a story that is much more than a romantic classic. The only problem with it is, it has been retold many times in a variety of ways that usually leaves me dissatisfied. Enter the zombies.

England is plagued with the undead. Elizabeth Bennet and her sisters must protect themselves and their neighbors from the unmentionables. Trying to be ladylike to attract husbands, and maintain their position in society while fighting zombies(considered unladylike) is difficult. Will your favorite characters survive the incursion of undead into their story?

I admit, when I first heard about this book I was suspicious. We are plagued with a plethora of retellings of Pride And Prejudice, and rarely do any of them do the book justice. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this version has a lot of original content, which helped maintain the ideas and themes of the story. The zombies fit into the plot surprisingly well. This book exceeded my expectations. I liked it so much, it has a place on My Favorite Books list.

I found it to be an amusing look at what is often considered to be the paragon of novels. It is an excellent way to remind readers that the original was a satire. It's also a great way to introduce young people to a classic, as the zombie theme is popular currently. This book is funnier if you are familiar with Pride And Prejudice, but you don't have to have read it to enjoy this version. I highly recommend reading this book.

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